AllClimate ChangesPoliticsUkraineWorld reflectionsLandscapeFlowers Size100 x 100 cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Flowers euforia 1 Size120 x 80cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Flowers euforia 2 Size60 x 40 cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Cows and sheeps Size60 x 40cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Cows on the field 2 Size60 x 40 cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Cows on the field 1 Size100 x 80cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Flower euforia 3 Size80 x 60 cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Cows in Northern Swedish landscape Size120 x 80cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Duplex with figures and colorful background Size40 x 50 cmYear2024TechniqueMixed technique Gallery Carl Load more